NG9-1-1 Statewide Project Awarded to Federal Engineering by the State of North Carolina

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NG9-1-1 Statewide Project Awarded to Federal Engineering by the State of North Carolina

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, August 3, 2015 — The North Carolina 911 Board has awarded Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) a contract to assist in the creation of a statewide ESInet and implementation of a Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) system which will use the statewide ESInet to deliver NG9-1-1 functional capabilities to all PSAPs.

The evaluation team for the NC 911 Board indicated: “The Board issued a consultant RFP for a client advocate to provide independent expertise and advice throughout this critical project. The consultant must be independent of all equipment, network, hardware, and software providers. Demonstrated experience in designing and implementing IP networks (ESInets) as well as technical expertise in the areas of GIS, hosted systems, NOC and help desk support were a must. In addition, we wanted a consultant with a strong background in CAD and radio interoperability. Federal Engineering met or exceeded our RFP requirements. We were most impressed with the background of the FE team.”

Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, FE’s President, provided an overview of the project: “The North Carolina 911 Board issued a Request for Information (the “RFI”) to gather information and statements of interest relating to design, development and implementation of an Emergency Services Internet Protocol (IP) network (ESInet). In addition the RFI gathered information related to systems having Next Generation 911 functionality that would use the ESInet to provide these services to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) across the states. Numerous responses were received and a wealth of good information provided. The Board elected to move forward with the next step in the process and will be issuing one or more RFPs to create the statewide ESInet and implement the NG9-1-1 system.”

Mr. Bosco continued: “North Carolina is taking a leading role in bringing NG9-1-1 services to its citizens and Federal Engineering will be supporting the State through this phase of the process. Next Generation 911 functional capabilities will include GIS operations supporting call routing, Hosted Call Processing, a Network Operations Center and Help Desk, CAD interoperability for all PSAPs, and radio interoperability for all PSAPs. The NG9-1-1 system functions are to be open standards based and consistent with the National Emergency Number Association’s (NENA) i3 next generation standards, requirements, and best practices. In addition to voice calls, this new functionality will allow the State to support current and future non-voice calls to PSAPs.”

Federal Engineering provides analysis, design, procurement, and implementation support for NG9-1-1, PSAPs, ECCs, and EOCs. These services complement FE’s wide range of consulting services in public safety and public service communications involving LTE as well as traditional VHF, UHF, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 4.9GHz mobile radio systems. FE also supports FirstNet planning in anticipation of the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network. Since 1983, FE has completed thousands of communications projects for 40 state governments, as well as numerous local and federal government clients.

In addition to its public sector work, Federal Engineering provides design and implementation support services for voice, data, and video networks used in the transportation, utilities, aerospace, finance, education, publishing, and computer services industries. FE’s certified independence ensures that clients receive objective, unbiased consulting services that are not influenced by any particular technology, product, vendor, or approach.


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