Lewis County, New York Awards Federal Engineering Radio Consulting Contract

Lewis County, New York Awards Federal Engineering Radio Consulting Contract

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, July 12, 2011 — Lewis County, New York has awarded Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) a contract for the review and evaluation of the County’s Radio System to support Law Enforcement, Fire Service, and Emergency Medical Services.

In announcing the program, Mr. Jack Bush, Chairman of the Lewis County Legislature said: “Federal Engineering will provide Lewis County with an unparalleled understanding of public safety communications knowledge, which is key to designing an effective, state-of-the-art radio network. FE is providing public safety communications consulting services to many jurisdictions similar in size to Lewis County and the firm understands the issues associated with local and county public safety radio networks. FE has intimate knowledge of the radio environment throughout the state of New York, with recent involvement in radio design, implementation, and interoperability programs at the county, region, and state level, for Cortland County, Chautauqua County, Essex County, the Onondaga County/Syracuse Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), the Monroe County/Rochester UASI, and the State of New York.“

Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, Federal Engineering’s President stated: “Our New York based project team has up-to-date experience analyzing, designing, and implementing voice, paging, and data radio systems; evaluating and managing the implementation of communications sites; and researching spectrum availability. We have the experienced staff to provide all of the services required, and our in-house quality review board brings a high-level management perspective to this engagement. FE’s deliverables will address recommendations for the current radio system including anticipated deprecation, obsolescence of the current system, and recommended upgrades in equipment to meet current and anticipated needs. Replacements in whole or in part of the existing system will be considered and the associated cost estimates documented.”

More information about the Lewis County, New York program can be found on the Watertown Daily Times website at: //www.watertowndailytimes.com/article/20110215/NEWS04/302159977 and also at: //www.watertowndailytimes.com/article/20110217/NEWS04/302179956 .

FE provides a wide range of land mobile radio analysis, design, procurement support, and implementation management services for public safety, public service, transportation, and energy organizations. The firm also provides security analyses, disaster recovery planning, strategic assessments, product analyses, market research, and business planning services in telecommunications and related fields.

As a nationwide communications systems planning and design firm, Federal Engineering develops voice, data, and video networks for a wide range of end users, including organizations in the aerospace, energy, finance, education, publishing, and computer services fields. In addition to its private sector work, FE has completed thousands of communications projects for 30 state governments, as well as numerous local and federal government clients. FE’s certified independence ensures that clients receive objective, unbiased consulting services that are not influenced by any particular technology, product, vendor, or approach.


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