Press Release

Federal Engineering to Participate in the 2018 International Wireless Communications Expo

Federal Engineering to Participate in the 2018 International Wireless Communications Expo

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, February 12, 2018 — Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) subject matter experts have been invited, once again, to present at the International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) which will be held this year on March 5-9, 2018 in Orlando, Florida.

Ronald F. Bosco, FE’s President and CEO said: “Federal Engineering continues to be recognized as a thought leader in our industry. We are proud to continue our support of IWCE and the greater public safety community. FE’s sessions will include highly valuable seminars and panel discussions on many of the critical issue facing first responders today. Federal Engineering’s senior staff will be presenting in seven educational sessions held in concert with the IWCE College of Technology (March 5 – 6) and the IWCE Conference (March 7 – 9):

  • FirstNet and LMR Coexistence: Planning for Interoperability and Migration
    • Presented by Neil Horden
    • Monday, 03/05/2018: 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM; Room: N220AB
  • Differences Between LMR and LTE Coverage Modeling, Testing and Analysis
    • Presented by Adam Nelson
    • Monday, 03/05/2018: 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM; Room: N220D
  • Planning a New or Upgraded Radio System
    • Presented by Scott Wiggins
    • Tuesday, 03/06/2018: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM; Room: N220C
  • Are You Ready for FirstNet? Preparing Your Agency
    • Presented by Neil Horden
    • Wednesday, 03/07/2018: 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM; Room: N220AB
  • Pick Me! Choosing the Right Digital PTT Technology for Your Needs
    • Presented by Brad Barber
    • Wednesday, 03/07/2018: 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM; Room: N320GH
  • Budgeting for a FirstNet World
    • Presented by Neil Horden
    • Thursday, 03/08/2018: 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM; Room: N220AB
  • Measuring Performance: Get the Network You Need; Get the Network You’re Paying For
    • Presented by Neil Horden
    • Thursday, 03/08/2018: 2:15 PM – 3:30 PM; Room: N220AB

Messrs. Neil Horden, Scott Wiggins, Brad Barber, and Adam Nelson have presented often at local and national conferences including previous International Wireless Communications Expos, APCO International conferences and other venues. Mr. Horden has over 35 years of experience in wireless communications spanning public safety, commercial, and industrial markets and diverse technologies including land mobile, broadcast, cellular, and broadband. Mr. Wiggins has over 25 years of experience in public policy, public administration, and public safety communications systems management. Mr. Barber has over 35 years of experience in the design, management, and procurement of wireless communications systems. Mr. Nelson brings over 20 years of experience with a thorough knowledge of radio coverage prediction, modeling, and testing.

IWCE is the preeminent annual conference for communications technology professionals. IWCE participants are industry professionals from across the spectrum of wireless communications providers and users, including government/military, public safety (law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical & 911), utilities, transportation, and business enterprises.

Additional information is available at

Federal Engineering is the leading, nationwide firm providing analysis, design, procurement, and implementation support for public safety and public service communications. FE provides consulting services involving LTE as well as traditional VHF, UHF, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz and 4.9GHz mobile radio systems. FE also supports FirstNet planning for the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network. Since 1983, FE has completed thousands of projects for 46 state governments, as well as numerous local and federal government clients.

Federal Engineering, Inc., recently added the L.R. Kimball public safety communications consulting practice to the firm. FE now offers the services of a worldwide leader in public safety answering point (PSAP) consulting. With FE/Kimball, jurisdictions can rely upon one firm for virtually all of their consulting needs in E9-1-1, NG9-1-1, PSAPs, Emergency Call Centers, and Emergency Operations Centers as well as land mobile radio voice, wireless data, broadband, backhaul, and emerging LTE mobile communications systems.


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