Press Release

State of Idaho Selects Federal Engineering for Computer-aided Dispatch (CAD) and Law Enforcement Records Management System (LERMS) Consulting Services

State of Idaho Selects Federal Engineering for Computer-aided Dispatch (CAD) and Law Enforcement Records Management System (LERMS) Consulting Services

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, July 20, 2020 — The Idaho State Police (ISP) has selected Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) to provide unbiased expertise in the assessment, analysis, specification development, RFP evaluation of vendor responses, and implementation support for an updated CAD/RMS system.

Major Charlie Spencer, the State’s Project Manager said: “The Idaho State Police utilizes a software system for tracking, retrieving, managing, and storing data integral to public safety and law enforcement operations. The system is critical to all commissioned personnel and is utilized by patrol, investigations, alcohol beverage control, regional communications centers, commercial vehicle safety, and other personnel who support those major functions. The system has reached the end of life and we require the services of industry experts to assist in the upgrade process. ISP generated a detailed request for proposals and received responses from multiple firms. Due to the critical importance of this project, we spent a good deal of time reviewing these responses and further investigating the firms. Federal Engineering was clearly the best choice for Idaho.”

Major Spencer continued, “The Idaho State Police have contracted with FE for multiple tasks:

  • Needs Assessment including a Business Needs Assessment, Current System Functionality Analysis, and Gap Analysis
  • System Analysis including Requirements Analysis, Alternatives Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Status Quo Costs, Cost Profiles, and Benefits Profiles
  • Conceptual System Design and Feasibility Study
  • High-Level Plan to move forward
  • CAD/RMS Request for Proposal and procurement support
  • Implementation Phase technical and project assistance”

Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, FE’s President & CEO, stated: “We are thrilled to have been selected by the Idaho State Police to support their CAD/RMS upgrade project. Public safety systems consulting is what we do. It is our only business. FE has completed thousands of projects and we will apply our vast knowledge to the benefit of Idaho. Our subject matter experts look forward to working with the ISP and bringing this project to a successful conclusion.”

Federal Engineering is a leading, nationwide firm providing analysis, design, procurement, and implementation support for NG911, PSAPs, ECCs, and EOCs. These services complement FE’s wide range of consulting services in public safety and public service communications involving traditional VHF, UHF, 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, and 4.9GHz mobile radio systems as well as LTE. FE’s cybersecurity practice helps our clients defend against today’s complex and ever-changing threat landscape. FE also serves as trusted advisors to assist clients understand emerging services such as FirstNet and the impacts on their current and future plans. Since 1983, FE has completed thousands of communications projects for 46 state governments, as well as numerous local and federal government clients.

In addition to its public sector work, Federal Engineering provides design and implementation support services for voice, data, and video networks used in the transportation, utilities, aerospace, finance, education, publishing, and computer services industries. FE’s certified independence ensures that clients receive objective, unbiased consulting services that are not influenced by any particular technology, product, vendor, or approach.


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