Personnel Outsourcing

Experienced resources to enhance your internal staff.

Personnel Outsourcing2021-02-08T12:22:15-05:00

FE provides a wide range of technical and administrative personnel on an outsourcing and staff augmentation basis.

The implementation of public safety communications and information technology projects typically creates spikes in personnel requirements. As a project evolves through its various phases, the requisite skill sets change. Initially analysis and design personnel are needed; later implementation staffs are required; and finally, operations and maintenance personnel must be put in place.

FE provides experienced subject matter experts who have worked in your industry and have an in depth understanding of your unique environment. FE specialists have proven invaluable to our clients as they move forward with new projects.

Technical and administrative personnel with educational backgrounds ranging from associates through advanced degrees are available on short term, midterm, and long term basis.

  • Dispatch personnel

  • Telecommunications engineers

  • Information systems consultants

  • Software development analysts

  • Network operations personnel

  • Field technicians

  • Procurement specialists

  • Program managers

  • Security analysts

  • Site inspection specialists

FE is prepared to staff all phases of a program with seasoned personnel.

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