Transit Communications

We specialize in state-of-the-art telecommunications networks for transit systems.

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We understand the unique aspects of transit systems such as communications-based Positive Train Control, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and radio systems coverage in subway tunnels.

Today’s transit security and operations personnel rely heavily upon reliable communications systems to do their jobs.  Emerging technologies such as Intelligent Transportation Systems and Positive Train Control put further demands on communications.  FE’s analytical knowledge of transit-oriented voice, data, mobile radio, and video technologies is complemented by the practical, hands-on experience of our operations personnel.

Our consultants understand conditions unique to transit such as the challenges of radio propagation through subway tunnels or bus systems that require voice, video, and telemetry communications as well as automatic vehicle location.  Transit communications systems designed by FE consultants incorporate these special requirements and have proven flexible, cost effective, and reliable.

We are specialists in bus, rail, and subway communications systems and understand what needs to be done to meet users’ needs in each mode of transportation.

FE Transit Experience

  • Needs assessment

  • Strategic planning

  • Total communications network design

  • Dispatch center design

  • Coverage and capacity analyses

  • Spectrum planning and interference analyses

  • Site planning, surveys, and selection

  • Security systems design

  • Interoperability analysis

  • Mobile data

  • RFP development

  • Procurement support

  • FCC license applications

  • Program management

  • Implementation management

  • Independent validation

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