Land Mobile Radio

First responders, utilities, and transit systems have relied upon LMR networks for over 70 years.

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Since 1983, FE has assisted jurisdictions and private sector organizations across the country implement user-centric LMR networks.

While there is some commonality, Federal Engineering appreciates that the needs of first responders, utilities, and transit differ in certain key aspects. We, therefore, provide our clients with unsurpassed expertise that is tailored to their particular application. From simple VHF and UHF base stations and repeater systems, through the most advanced P25 multiband, simulcast and multi-site, digital trunked networks, we have developed the skills required to effectively and efficiently assist our clients in deploying systems that meet and exceed their requirements.

Our vast experience in wireless communications does not stop at the edges of LMR. We have taken our experience in translating clients’ needs into practical system requirements and applied them to the multitude of networked wireless technologies developed over the past 30+ years. From wide area digital 2G, 3G, and 4G-LTE technologies and local area technologies such as WiFi, to the evolving world of 5G and beyond, Federal Engineering understands how to apply the right technology to fulfill your needs.

By maintaining complete independence from technology and equipment vendors, FE provides designs that are truly unencumbered by vendor, technology, product, or approach biases. This corporate independence, combined with the vast experience of our staff across all equipment manufacturers, results in the most cost-effective solution to our clients’ communications needs.

FE has a wide range of specialists ready to support your land mobile radio project. No other public safety communications consulting firm has our pedigree of success and independence in this field.

Stay tuned for some exciting news!