Newport News Awards Federal Engineering Consulting Contract For Public Safety Mobile Radio Alternatives Analysis

Newport News Awards Federal Engineering Consulting Contract For Public Safety Mobile Radio Alternatives Analysis

FAI RFAX, VIRG INIA, May 9, 2011 —T he City of Newport News, Virginia has awarded Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) a contract to evaluate the City’s public safety radio system and re commend upgrade alternatives.

Mr. Andy Stein, the Informtion Technology Director, describe d the project: “Newport News currently has a n aging 800 MH trunked radio syste serving approximately 3,600 public safet y and non- ublic safety subs cribers. The system is reaching the end of its useful life and City tec h nical staff ill soon find it difficult t o sup ort. Feder l Engineering will conduct a needs assessment including u se r intervi e ws to determine current and future requirements. F E will visit a d survey the City’s transmitter sites to assess the conditio , age, utility, and reliability o f repeaters , base stations, control equipment, microw ve backbone, and di spatch radi o equipment syste ms. FE will also asses s whether th e existing physical infra structure at each site is adequate t o acco mmodate new/upgraded equipment based upon the needs assessmen t results.”

Mr Stein continu ed: “FE will develop a ewport News Communications System Design and Recomendations Report based u pon the data collected i n previous t asks. This report will include a description of each solution, a description of the alternatives analysis and selection process, FE’s evaluation approach, high level designs of th e selected s olution(s), estimated implementation scheduls, cost ana lysis, and n ext steps. he Wireless Com munication s Management team co nsisting of M r. Patrick Biron, Ms. Lin da Boring a nd Mr. Eduerrero, ar e tasked to assist FE and review the analysis.”

Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, FE’s President, in dicated: “F e deral Engineering has completed numerous projects in th e Ham pton Roads Region for the ORION consortium including t he participat ing cities o f Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Hampton, Chesapeake, Newport Ne ws, and Norfolk. The firm has a broad understanding of Newport News’ unique nee ds as well as the options available in the area. With FE’s assistance, the City will be i n a better position to leverage pre ious investments, maximize the u se of the cu rrent infrastructure, an d revie w the ben e fits of potentially sharing resourc e s with adj cent municipalities an d/or the OR ION syste ther eby lowering costs to th e City. In a dition, FE’s six plus ye a rs designin g public safety radio networks in th e Ham pton Road Region will ensure interoperability with other municipalities. FE is very excite d about this proj ct with its potential for cross boundary collab oration and the prospe cts of levera ging the in vestments of two or more juri dictions to deliver high r value at l wer cost to all.”

FE provides a wide range of land mo bile radio analysis, des ign, procur ement support, and im plementatio n management se rvices for ublic safet , public service, trans portation, a nd energy ystems. The firm als o provides security analyses, disaster recovery pl nning, strategic asses sments, product analy ses, market research, and b usiness plan ning servic s in teleco munication s and relate d fields.


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