New Hanover County Awards Federal Engineering Cable Plant Design Contract

New Hanover County Awards Federal Engineering Cable Plant Design Contract

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, March 30, 2015 — New Hanover County, NC has awarded Federal Engineering, Inc. (FE) a contract for the design of the cable infrastructure for the information technology, telecommunications, and security systems for the renovated County Administration Building located at 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina.

Mrs. Leslie Chaney, Director of Information Technology for the County said: “The information technology infrastructure of this renovated building is complex due to the mixed and diverse tenant base. We require the services of a consulting firm that is familiar with our unique needs and environment. Federal Engineering was chosen because the firm has been providing communications consulting support to the County for over a decade and has consistently exceeded our expectations. Their participation in this project will ensure the cable plant will meet both our current and future needs.”

Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, FE’s President, provided a vignette of the project: “The administration building is owned, operated and maintained by the County. It is a six-floor structure comprising approximately 38,000 square feet. Tenants include the Register of Deeds and Community Justice Services from the County and the Public Defender’s office and two other court- related programs from the State. To accommodate the building’s mixed occupancy, separate and distinct new technology infrastructures will be accessible, throughout the building, by County and State agencies. This new cable infrastructure will support planned and future additions and renovations to this building.”

FE provides a wide range of broadband wireless and land mobile radio analysis, design, procurement support, and implementation management services for public safety, public service, transportation, and energy organizations. The firm also provides telecommunications systems design, security analyses, disaster recovery planning, strategic assessments, product analyses, market research, and business planning services in telecommunications and related fields.

As a nationwide communications systems planning and design firm, Federal Engineering develops voice, data, and video networks for numerous firms including aerospace, energy, finance, education, publishing, and computer services. In addition to its private sector work, FE has completed thousands of communications projects for 40 state governments, as well as numerous local and federal government clients. FE’s certified independence ensures that clients receive objective, unbiased consulting services that are not influenced by any particular technology, product, vendor, or approach.


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