El Paso Selects Federal Engineering For P25 Mobile Radio System Consulting

El Paso Selects Federal Engineering For P25 Mobile Radio System Consulting

FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA, October 17, 2011 — The City of El Paso, Texas has selected Federal Engineering to provide P25 consulting services in support of the City’s ongoing public safety radio upgrade program.

Mr. Ronald F. Bosco, the firm’s President stated: “Federal Engineering was selected, via a competitive procurement, based upon the superior proposal we submitted. Our firm has been actively involved in public safety communications for over 27 years and FE’s proposal exceeded the RFP requirements for radio and microwave systems design, deep P25 knowledge and FCC regulatory support as well as free space, in-building and underground RF coverage analyses.”

Mr. Bosco continued: “Federal Engineering will become thoroughly familiar with the existing radio infrastructure in El Paso by reviewing City documentation, the radio vendor’s system design, and other relevant documentation. FE will then conduct a project kickoff meeting, participate in user interviews, review FCC licenses, and survey selected sites to develop a deeper understanding of existing systems and their capabilities. A gap analysis will then be performed to assess how well the current systems meet user needs. This information will be used to develop recommendations for improvements to existing systems as well as suggestions for future systems. Recommendations will also include new transmitter sites to improve radio coverage and fill in existing performance gaps.”

FE provides a wide range of land mobile radio analysis, design, procurement support, and implementation management services for public safety, public service, transportation, and energy systems. The firm also provides security analyses, disaster recovery planning, strategic assessments, product analyses, market research, and business planning services in telecommunications and related fields.

As a nationwide communications systems planning and design firm, Federal Engineering develops voice, data, and video networks for a wide range of end users, including organizations in the aerospace, energy, finance, education, publishing, and computer services fields. In addition to its private sector work, FE has completed hundreds of communications projects for 30 state governments, as well as numerous local and federal government clients. FE’s certified independence ensures that clients receive objective, unbiased consulting services that are not influenced by any particular technology, product, vendor, or approach.


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