
Kinds words from just a few of our many satisfied customers.


What our customers say…

State of Nevada Department of Transportation: P25 Radio System Upgrade
FE has been an instrumental part of NDOT’s success in completing a cost-effective design and securing a contract to replace our existing radio system.  I am very appreciative of FE’s participation and found it tremendously helpful to have their expertise and support throughout the entire process. We believe their participation in the implementation phase will ensure that we deploy a system that meets our needs as well as that of our users. The value received by NDOT in terms of cost savings and consulting expertise far exceeds the consulting fees paid to FE for their unparalleled support.”

Jim Whalen | Technology Manager | Traffic Operations | State of Nevada Dept. of Transportation

State of Utah: P25 Radio Upgrade Project

“Federal Engineering accepted a difficult project on a tight timeline and completed it masterfully and on time.  Their team proved knowledgeable, responsive, friendly, trustworthy and capable in every respect.  Federal Engineering is a trusted partner invested in our success.”

Quinton Stephens | General Counsel and Deputy Director | Utah Communications Authority

City of Marion, Iowa: Emergency Communications Center Consolidation Feasibility Project

“Federal Engineering recently completed a Feasibility Study…FE is viewed as our trusted advisor and has now been engaged to provide planning and implementation support to decision makers and stakeholders during the next steps toward consolidating public safety communications regionally.”

Douglas Slagle | Deputy Chief, Marion Police Department | City of Marion, Iowa

Henry County, Georgia: P25 Radio Upgrade Project

“The service provided by the Federal Engineering team greatly impacted the success of our project. We are fortunate to build such a strong professional relationship with these dedicated professionals.”

Don Ash | Director of Emergency Management | Henry County, Georgia

Lincoln County, Oregon: Public Safety Communications Plan

“I contacted many of FE’s references prior to their selection for our public safety communications plan.  Everyone was very positive, and the following were common comments expressed by all:  FE develops long-term relationships, FE is truly our trusted advisor, and FE is not “in the pocket” of any manufacturer.”

Virginia (Jenny) Demaris, Emergency Manager | Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon

City of Bristol, Connecticut: Radio System Assessment Project

“Thanks to FE for your help on this project. This project would never have been as successful without your help.”  “There were a number of tasks that the communications company attempted to make the responsibility of the City. FE effectively and efficiently redirected the company to take ownership of those responsibilities when necessary.”

Roger Rousseau | City Purchasing Agent | City of Bristol, Connecticut

Lieutenant Mark Morello | Bristol Police Department

Gainesville-Regional Utilities (GRUCom), Florida: Radio System Upgrade Project

“Federal Engineering personnel have been providing radio technical consulting to GRUCom for over 10 years. … They have done an outstanding job helping us upgrade our existing legacy system and assisting with contract negotiations with the radio equipment vendor. We consider them a valued partner and look forward to working with FE during the implementation phase of this important project.”

Lewis Walton | Chief Business Services Officer | Gainesville Regional Utilities

Cortland County, New York: P25 Radio System Consulting

“Federal Engineering has produced and delivered on everything they said they would and actually has gone above and beyond what the RFP asked for by assisting our county with our system and operation which required immediate assistance… Bottom line they are a great company that has the interest of the CLIENT set as NUMBER 1, no exceptions.”

Kevin Whitney | Deputy Fire Coordinator | Cortland County, New York

Stay tuned for some exciting news!